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Our Story



Welcome to P3 Hosiery. An organisation where details matter. A lot

“You already have a million problems that life will throw at you, your clothing (both inner and outer) shouldn’t be one”

Our mission is to provide customers with good products embodying innovation, functionality and comfort. We have added comfort at the end because the most important aspect comes last.

We cannot compromise with quality and are ready to lose an opportunity rather than dump products into the market without considering ‘everything’ i.e from the yarn to the packaging.

In relation to innovation and functionality (utility), we continuously scrutinise ourselves to come up with better, newer ideas.

All these aspects – innovation, functionality and comfort are equally addressed when we design our products.

Try this for thought – You may have an underwear which looks fantastic, but if you have to adjust it 24×7 isn’t it a big nuisance?

What we did 6 months ago, we do better now. And what we will do 6 months ahead, we will do better than what we do now. We constantly try to come up with new ideas, and new styles for products (some have been ahead of their time also!)

And we strive to be the perfect brand. 

P3 – perfect knit, perfect stitch, perfect finish


Every stitch, every piece is manufactured with precision. Here we have "Baidyanath-Ji", a worker(family) who has been working with us for over 40 years engineering our undergarments.

With over 5 decades of manufacturing experience, we as a company first ask ourselves,"What do we want our customers to feel ?"

In essence, we believe in comfort.

Our philosophy is very simple. We try and give you the best quality yarn, processed in the right proportions, precisely cut and made under a watchful eye – to produce cloth that breathes. Our goal of comfort is always in mind when we execute our processes.

Post receiving goods from the factory, here we have the checking and packing department to give the green signal before goods are released into the market

Quality Policy

Quality check happens at each stage of the production process. Cutting, Making, checking and packing. Below is a sneak-peak into each department. 

Swapanda is the master. But he likes to get involved in making sure things don't go out of hand. He is about 70 years old, but you can't stop him from loving his job. I mean, you could try, but it won't work. If you don't have your goods cut properly, you can't expect the best fit. Inches matter and so do centimetres. This is our cutting department in full swing. If your tee fits properly, they are responsible for it. 

"Ratan-dada" ensures that goods cut are packed and ready to ship to our factories. The assortment is necessary because we have more than 500+ colours and the makers need to distinguish yarn to match fabric colour. This assortment also helps us to keep stock of cut goods sent for manufacturing.

Shankar-Ji makes sure that each and every single product is packed and checked. As I have written above, our packing department is very careful to scrutinise products before they are released into the market.

They say if you do things yourself, not only will you learn, but you’ll also do a great job after a certain period of time.  Why a certain period of time? Well, nobody is perfect. Everything takes time. And who is they? "They" is common sense.

We try our best, we always assure you that. That’s why in the case of a manufacturing defect, we take full responsibility, and we will replace the product completely.

Over 60 years is a long long time...

Yes, we took time, but we are confident of our standards.

We pick the yarn,  we choose the process, we are keen on details, we are keen on records. If we are not sure, we’ll read, spend some money, browse the internet to get sure. We look into our procedures, our methods and our products.

And we assure you, that when you pick up a P3 product, among all your other worldly problems you DON’T have QUALITY to worry about.

PS: We don't offer our customers our "try-on" guarantee for our underwear for no reason.